Thursday, July 29, 2010

The School Mosquito

Strange name for a post but this is what I feel our school has become. A blood sucking mosquito. My kids are coming home regularly with their hands out for money for excursions, assignments, classes the works...AND THEY AREN'T EVEN OUT OF PRIMARY SCHOOL YET!

Caitie and Aiden were told they HAD to have the school diaries. $10 each when I had bought them both a perfectly good generic one for 97c down the road. Each child is being charge $80 to do sports off campus. Why? Because they apparently compete against the other schools in the area. Caitlin is being charge $20 for Home Ec...but she brings her own ingredients. $50 each for computer studies when the computers were donated to the school. Conor was charge for an excusion that was cancelled. Aiden has an outstanding account of $3.60 for another excursion. I ALWAYS pay for the excursions up front, so explain to me why I am being charged????

Add to that the daily torment about their uniforms and I am ready to rip someone apart. Detention for wearing tracksuit pants with a formal shirt, detention for wearing the wrong length sock, detention for wearing a coloured HAIRBAND or headband.

It has to stop...why? Because my kids go to a State School. Not a private school, a bloody state school!


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Stone Angels

K, so I'm not a religious zealot and I have my own faith thankyou very much Mr Knock-On-My-Door-At-Dinnertime. I just wanna know when we turned into such horrible people!

I am in gobsmacking awe of just how bad people have become. Famous examples...Lohan who believes that she shouldn't HAVE to go to jail when she was told to quit drinking and had a purdy bracelet to stop her...the nutcase Venables who figured that he had a new name, new life so he could pose as a PARENT and offer his "daughter" to other perves and download porn from other parents...I just found a website on a church that protests outside FUNERALS of soldiers killed in action cause hey they don't believe in any war effort and tough poo its your fault you got killed and you're going to hell.

On the homefront, people who don't listen and learn and then whinge when everything goes pearshaped. People who believe that a position of authority equates to power and then wield it like a sword trying to cut everyone down who doesn't agree with them. Twats on Facebook who believe their opinion is the be-all and end-all and if you disagree wrath doth rain down. People who join any form of club as a hobby and denegrate other members, run the clubs into the ground, throw tantrums that would put a two year old to shame and fling around law suits like they are yesterdays washing.

I have one simple message for you....GROW UP!

As I said, I ain't religious but lets just look at what the Ten Commandments, or ten life lessons can teach us...

1)You shall have no other Gods before Me- Roughly translated, there is A can believe in whoever you want, whether it be black, white or brindle, just stick with one and stop flinging different beliefs in...oh and that means one ain't biggerer or betterer than the rest.

3) Make no idols etc etc etc- Wellll, maybe that means can we please take Australian Idol off the air, puleeze??? Cause its taking off all the good shows.

3)Taking the Lords name if vain- Can we just try to cut down on the swearing and the cussing? When I hear my six year old yelling, "Oh for Gods sake..." Even I wanna smack him one. If it ain't your God or belief don't use it, you'll just piss someone off!

4)Remember the Sabbath day- as much as I wish it means let me sleep in, I firmly believe that it means take one day, whatever day it may be, to honour and cherish your family and faith. Whether its the Catholic Church, Jewish, Islam or even just going for a walk in the bush and drinking in all that Mother Nature has to offer. Take time to worship your life!

Now we get to the gritty stuff...

5)Honor thy father and mother- This is not rocket science. We have been here far longer on earth than you have and we are still alive therefore we must have done something right. What we say goes, unless you can come up with a reallllllly good reason why. Its our perogative to listen to you, nod wisely and then say no....because we said so.

6)You shall not commit murder- Well doesn't that just explain itself???? Who the heck thinks they are so important that they can take someone else's life away. Or someones Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Best friends life away. Put down the knives and the guns and talk stuff through. Don't be killin someone cause they gave you plain salt instead of chicken salt on your chips.

7) You shall not commit adultery- If you want to dip your wick in someone else's candle, DON'T. Not only will you hurt yourself in the long run but you will also hurt your kids, your friends, your family...thats what fantasies were invented for. Close your eyes and picture Angelina Jolie.... or Brad Pitt if you're a wandering female or both if you're undecided.

8)You shall not steal- Why on earth do young people believe that the world belongs to them??? When did it become passe' to take stuff. Bring back the slap-upside-the-head-coppers I say. It doesn't belong to you, so leave it be!

9)You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour- in other words, unless you know something for a fact, shut the hell up! So many people indulge in idol gossip these days that is hurtful and denegrates people. What do you think school bullies do??? Just quit it.

10)Don't covet nothing!- Ok, I changed it somewhat but I sooo wasn't typing about your neighbours ox. Roughly translates into- you got your own stuff, leave everyone else's stuff alone. If you want it, earnt it, stop sitting there googly eyed cause you can't have it.

Ok, so thats my version of the 10 Commandments.

It just kills me that so many kids are adrift, so many people are lost in our society today. When we took away the Church, we took away the simplest of life lessons. We didn't have to have a bible to learn to be good but we do need a list of rules. Take away the rules and people don't have boundaries and don't know how to act. Again, it comes down to one hard, concrete fact....Be true to yourself, act in a way you would like to be remembered, practice tact and discretition and you will remembered as being a good person...and isn't that what we all want? To be good.