Wednesday, March 24, 2010

2 Boys = One Bed = Trouble

Aiden and Conor are really bad at cleaning their room and end up playing typical boy games. This was the result of their last one...

That is a fantastic bruise on Conors behalf and within a few hours had become a gorgeous black eye. No sympathy from me!

On another note, whilst training my rather large and rather exhuberant male stafford to do the chute tunnel at training, he bit me. He came through the tunnel like an express train, knocked me over and play mouthed me with one of his canines going through my lip...yes it hurt....(sigh) and I wonder where Conor gets it from!


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Winning Isn't Everything

Aiden can't swim. I mean, he can swim a bit but he is really bad at it. The boy has no internal flotation devices. If sinking was an Olympic sport it would be gold, gold, gold all the way.

He is also terrified of deep water. He fell into the ocean and nearly drowned as a toddler and was saved by Fred. Fred is the gnome that lives in my head, he wears stripey socks, hobnailed boots and lederhossen. (Hey if Pinocchio can have a cricket, I can have a gnome.) Anyway, we were at the beach and Tony was looking after the kids. Aiden wandered off the edge of a submerged sandback and was face down thrashing. Fred booted me in the ear and made me look around. I got to him just in time.

Ever since that day, Aiden has been scared of deep water. If he can touch he is like a dolphin but take him deep and he will climb up your body and sit on your head screaming, "Get me back, get me back!" Every Friday during summer we go to the school pool and have a play. Each child is challenged to do something above their comfort zone to earn money. Ok, its bribery but it works. Caitie swam a length of the pool, Conor swam underwater and Aidens challenge was to jump into the pools deep end. I knew he could do it but he was terrified. It took him nearly two months to get up the nerve to do it. Yes, he did it and, on the day he did, I told him good job, nonchalantly turned away and wiped a tear away.

So, Aiden can't swim, okay?

Sooo, I got a phone call from the school asking me to bring his swimmers to school. Puzzled, I did it, only to find that the "swimming" was the schools tryout for the regional trials. I explained it to him, his teacher explained it to him and he was adamant he wanted to have a go. I shared a bemused glance with his teacher and went home.

That afternoon, Aiden came home, tears welling in his eyes and said, in a shaky voice, "I did one swim and they told me to hop outta the pool." I broke....

I told him that I was so proud of him for having a go, for trying, for just doing something so out of his comfort zone and I...was...proud...of him!

And do you know what I was most proud of (and I told him this) he figured out a way to get out of his classroom and into the pool on one of the hottest days of the year. He grinned... yep, got him figured....


Thursday, March 4, 2010


The sign on Caities bedroom door this evening....

I love her, I really do, she makes me laugh!

I, Superhero

I am six days post-op from having my carpal tunnel operation on my right hand.

For those of you who don't know, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is caused by repetitive motions with the offending limb. For those of you with your minds in the gutter, go and have a cup of tea and come back when you're sensible.

TYPING caused mine. The tendon in my hand collapsed onto the nerve and caused burning, tingling, loss of strength and other nasty symptoms. So, I went in and had the tendon removed...under local cause I am woman hear me roar! Ok, its was more of a whimper or an OWW, hey that hurt, but you get the drift.

Six days out of surgery. I am just starting to get the movement back and some of the strength in my hand. So, ask me what I did today? Go on...ask, you know you want to.

I cleaned my laundry, replaced one of my dog crates, fixed same crate, swept the floor, picked up the bits of fluff from a torn cushion, hung the washing out and took some off the line. I'm sore.

Why is it that woman feel the need to don our superhero outfits when we should be resting? The day I came home from having a tongue dissection and lymph node removal from my neck (yeah you should see my cool scar!) I was hanging out washing. The day after that ...I was back in the hospital blown up like a frog cause I did too much. Its a woman thing, the world will fall down around our ears if we don't pick up the reins.

Its got nothing to do with the fact that our men are slightly in the useless department when it comes to keeping the house schmicko. Oh they will do their best but its not the same as if we
had done it! And its not quite as good as we would have done it. But, if are going to be anal retentive, thats what we have to do. Because no-one else can do it like we can. So we feel we must wear our Wonderwoman accessories to keep our homes in order.

Now I've said that, I'm going to go and rest...until I notice Tony has folded the towels wrong!
