Monday, July 13, 2009

Birthdays and Louses

Happy 11th Birthday Caitie!!!
So, in our household, if its your birthday you get to choose what you eat all day. Caitie decided she wanted pancakes for breakfast and I decided to overindulge her tastebuds with a 3 stack of pancakes. The first stack had melted chocolate on it, the second stack had marshmallows and the third stack had more chocolate with sprinkles in an 11. It was grossly yummy with enough sugar to light an entire city! Teamed with a hot chocolate with marshmallows and sprinkles, she was one happy kid!

Gotta love the huge amount of marshmallow that was dripping down her face.

Her main present was one she recieved almost a year ago now. It was her very first breeding queen, a devon rex called Ch Leetamy Dreamcatch Me. Muu and Caitie sleep together and they really do love each other. It is my tradition that I give her jewellary for her birthday and this year it was a necklace and pendant with the words Special Daughter on it. And she recieved a Pea Pod...ok its not really called that but it has to be the smallest ipod I have ever seen! It holds around 1000 songs and Caitlin has it glued to her ears as we speak!


On another completely different subject....Smallish Bear has headlice. He has had headlice for the last two weeks and I simply cannot get rid of them. I have been conditioning and combing till my hands are numb but on Saturday night I pulled out at least a dozen adults, totally grossing me out. Then last night, I went through again and there were which point I freaked out completely and reached for the clippers.
No sooner was this photo taken than Aiden decided he too needed a crew cut and off his locks came. Checking this morning I was amazed to see eggs still in Little Bears head, so I spent some time picking and popping them..ewwww.

Normally, using both shampoo and conditioner laced with eucalytpus oil or tea tree oil and lavender oil and then combing them out knocks them on the head but this time it called for drastic action!

Now I have two nekkid headed boys running around!

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