Saturday, February 20, 2010

Feelin' the Lurv.

Like all kids, mine say the darndest things at the darndest times. Caitie, at 11, was walking along the other day and absently rubbing her chest. I was concerned and asked her what was wrong. To which she replied "Aww, I've got a boob comin' in."

I wet myself.....

And Conor was in the pool with me the other day. I have Carpa; Tunnel Syndrome in both my hands and have cortisone injections to keep the symptoms manageable. I told him he had to be gentle with me because the injections weren't working and my hands were really sore. He gazed lovingly into my eyes and said, softly and quietly, "Suck it up princess!"

I heart him, I really do!


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