Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Eyes of a Child...the Soul of a Killer

Q has been rehomed. He was fantastic at what he did, he was an awesome working dog. He heeled perfectly and was fast learning everything there was to know about agility. He was my dream dog when it came to performance...and a nightmare with our beloved cats.

Something had to give and it gave with a bang. I had to think of my family as a whole and the right my cats had to live safely in that family. Q was a killer when it came to a cat being outside. Our cats were not allowed to be outside but I have three children and accidents happen, doors don't close and gates are locked before they are shut, leaving them open.

I have found a great home for my boy. He is living on two acres with no cats and no birds. He has a teenage family to play with, young adults who are responsible and respectful and he will live happily, I know this. It doesn't make it any easier but, as I said, its not fair on my family to expect them to live in fear.


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