Friday, February 3, 2012

So Much Proud!!!!

There are moments I am so proud of my kids.
Aiden had swimming carnival today. Aiden can't swim. Aiden is terrified of deep water. Aiden dove off the starter blocks twice today, competed in four categories of swimming and recieved two thirds and a second in his races. I am even prouder as he told me his best friend had never recieved a swimming ribbon before so Aiden pulled back and let him pass him to get a ribbon. How sweet is that!!!
Caitlin made me proud because she saved up all of her pocket money to purchase an iPod. Its a 2nd gen and cost her $118 + $15 for a cover. She took such a long time to do it and paid for it all herself. Now she knows she has to start banking. I am so proud that she understands the value of purchasing big ticket items for herself.
And in other news, my beautiful Titch had her final litter last night. She gave birth to three. Number one was stillborn but came back after a huge effort on my behalf. Number two came out stillborn and was unresponsive. Number three came out kicking and shrieking as all good kittens should. Around midnight I settled Mum and bubs and went to bed. Morning found Number 1 kitten had passed away during the night. I didn't have a great deal of hope for this little soul and I am glad she passed without us getting too attached.
Her brother, knicknamed Tango, is doing well but it is early days. Single kittens sometimes struggle with staying warm but we have a heat pad for the little guy. He is on the right below.
Enjoy your weekend and give your pets an extra special cuddle for me...

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