Friday, March 22, 2013

Hold, Please!

Yesterday, I was so pleased to receive a phone call from Aidens paediatrician bumping his appointment up. It was scheduled for 2pm today. Aiden went in to school with a note asking him to be ready to pick up at 1.30. I rearranged my whole day, no mean feat when you are your own boss and are mobile. Luckily I have understanding clients!
9am and I recieved a second phone call asking if I could get there at 1.40pm as the doctor was hoping to leave early. My response was "ummm, no, I pick my son up at 1.30 and I won't make it in time."

So, I pick Aiden up, race like mad to get to the hospital only to find I'm at the wrong hospital. A quick phone call and the receptionist told me she wasn't sure if the doctor would still see us. She asked him, came back on the line and said get here as quick as you can, the doctor will wait.

It took us eleven minutes to get from one hospital to the other. We ran in only to be told that no, the doctor had decided we were too late. "After all", said the receptionist, "Your appointment WAS for 1.40" I only just managed to keep it together as I told her indeed it was not, that I told the receptionist from that morning that I simply couldn't get there and my original time was 2pm, technically we were only eleven minutes late. Apparently the doctor had made up his mind and that was that. I pulled my kid out of school, rescheduled my clients so he could be a pompous ass!

His appointment is now in two weeks time. Small mercies.



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