Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Funny Girl

This child of mine has the wickedest sense of humour and is forever cracking me up with the daft things she says.

On Sundays we like to have Takeaway food for dinner and on this particular night it was Kentucky Fried Chicken. On the way home, Caitie was talking to something, saying, "Hello, how are you? Are you having a good day?" My glance slid sideways and I said to her, "Just who are you talking too?"

Her reply?

"The drink bottle, Mum...after all, its always nice to make new friends."

I almost drove off the road!

A few years ago, a friend of mine informed me that she was expecting her sixth child. On hearing the news, Caitie exclaimed, "Six kids! Lordy, she's gonna run out of plates!"
She makes me laugh and smile. She is the only one who I play slappies with...and she loses with all the grace of a buffalo! (Slappies is taking a sneaky chance at slapping a bare bit of skin on a leg or a butt or a hurts like billy-o but it IS funny, as only random pain can be!) And when she scores one on me, by jove she can run fast, giggling the whole way.
Most importantly, I have to say that I am extremely proud of the way she has knuckled down and taken her studies seriously. Last year Caitlin had a teacher who was , for lack of a better word, appalling. He was a bully who liked to yell at the kids, slap desks in a threatening matter, deny them access to the toilet, throw chairs...get the idea? Caitie learnt nothing and her abysmal maths results took a dive for the worse. This child was suddenly getting lower than a D in maths.
And had absolutely no interest in school.

This year, she has a fantastic teacher, with a wicked sense of humour, a fantastic teaching style and she is blooming.

So, I hafta say, "Thankyou Mr K, thankyou from the bottom of my heart."


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