Saturday, May 16, 2009

Happy Families Don't Exist

Over the recent school holidays, we went to Underwater World on the Sunshine Coast. It was a great day, even if we lost the boys a few times! We then went to the beach, had fish and chips
and played in an out of the waves. I took the shot above to remind me of the great day we had.

This is what I would like our family to be. Like this photo, all smiling and happy....but those of you with children will know its alot different.
At the moment the lot of them are harassing each other, screaming at each other, slapping, hitting, swearing (yes I know, I'm appalled) and generally giving each other grief. Caitlin is busy backchatting every-damn-second-of-the-day. Conor has become a whineing, annoying brat who is delighting in driving his siblings to distraction and Aiden is copping it left right and center.
Is it too much to ask that the kids be nice to each other?
And on another note. They were actually playing nicely just before and part of their game was telling each other what to say and do etc...Aiden calmly stated to Caitlin that his person was "fatally in love with her". I cracked up...ah to be young and be fatally in love with anyone!

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