Friday, September 4, 2009

These Little Wonders

I watched the movie "Meet the Robinsons" again the other day and heard the song "Little Wonders" by Rob Thomas and the lyrics gave me pause.

Our lives are made in these small hours
These little wonders,
These twists & turns of fate
Time falls away,
but these small hours, these small hours still remain
I suppose what hit me was that, when our children are wee babies, time is measured in the tiniest increments, a sigh here, a smile there, each moment is remembered with perfect clarity, each tiny memory is cherished and put away to bring out in our darkest times.
This week has not been dark but quite dim for my oldest, Caitlin. She has aphthous ulcers, which means her mouth is full of ulcers, shockingly painful ulcers and there is nothing that can be done until the virus runs its course. As a mother, it is killing me that I can't do anything. I can't take the pain away, I can't eat for her and I can't stop her friends drifting away as they are scared of this thing that has turned her into a mumbling, dribbling, foul breathed child. I can't help her...except in these small hours, I can hold her and let her cry.
But it made me remember, as did the words of this song, the other small hours. Those moments when I had stumbled from my warm bed to feed a crying baby. Wrapped in a quilt, in my rocking chair, there were just the two of us. Whether it was Caitlin, Aiden or Conor, there were only the two of us, in the small precious moments of the starlit evening. We were in our own tiny world, nothing existed except the sleepy contentment of a milk-drunk baby and a mother, holding that which is most dear and precious to us.
So, I thought I would share two of my favourite photos of my kids...they were only little then and now, they are big kids...but there is always room in my arms for a hug that heals all wounds.

Aiden on the left, our Michelin Baby and Caitie on the right, adoring big sister.

This is my all time favourite photo of a newborn Conor taking his first cautious peep at the world, safe in the arms of Dad.
And my three now...they may not like each other but I know they love each other!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh Cindy! I'm so sorry for your little girl. Bless her heart. Give her extra hugs from me and my bunch. Reading about you being up nights with your babies made me tear up. Thank goodness my guy has slept through the nights for some time but you are right, it's just the two of you during those moments. It's fun to watch J grow up and become more "fun" but I cherish every time I hold him close because I know it won't be long before he pushes me away because he is a "big boy". I have a feeling he's going to be a Mama's boy though. I'm his VERY constant.