Sunday, December 13, 2009

Running out of Firsts

When you have children, their lives are filled with firsts. First bath, first night home, first smile, first steps, first christmas, first bicycle.

The firsts start to slow down as your child gets older and the firsts are more important. Conor has just experienced a special first for him.

Conor lost his first tooth. And he was very brave. The tooth has been loose for a little while, with an adult tooth pushing through from behind. Today, he asked if we could pull it out. Daddy tried cotton but Conor wasn't feeling particularly happy with that. So Daddy tried to dry it with a paper towel and pull it out on the sly! Nope, that didn't work either, all that happened was Conor bled like a stuck pig!

Finally, I told him he had to be brave and see if he could pull it out himself. There were tears, there was much forehead wrinkling and then...he squared his shoulders and pulled it out himself.

Tonight he will be anxiously waiting for the tooth fairy...or the Molinator as he likes to be called!


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