Thursday, January 22, 2009

When did they grow up?

Every now and then you stop and think, Wow, where did that time go?

Caitie had her very first grown up, Can-I-Choose-It-Myself haircut just before Christmas. Aiden shows maturity in the way he plays with Conor. And just the other day, Conor told me he was getting himself dressed cause he's a "big un". LOL.

Conor is now dry at night too. Having a slightly broken child sometimes means that milestones take a little while to arrive. Conor has a polycystic kidney and drinks alot of water. It meant that by the age of four, he still wore nappies at night. During our time in Sydney, he stopped wearing them...just like that...just like Conor!

You blink and suddenly they are leaving home!

1 comment:

Hoping for our own Peanut said...

how sweet are you! i am so blessed to have many people "pulling" for me.