Saturday, September 20, 2008

Exercise is Supposed to Be Healthy...Right?

After having my usual Friday quiet day; no kids, no husband, just me and the computer tasks I needed to complete, I felt like I just had to go and do something a touch healthy. I rounded up the lil Peeps, yep all three of them, and we took our ten year old Stafford Teak and our three year old stafford Nellie Noodle on a walk.

Ten year old Caitie took ten year old Teakaboo. Yes, I was pregnant with my first child when we had that litter of pups. The day I went into labour was the day the last puppy went. Talk about planned parenthood!

Anyway, I digress. Eight year old Aiden was on his bike as was four year old Conor. We had a pleasant walk, up to the end of our road where there is a clear area of Council land. It was here that I made the fatal mistake...I let the dogs offlead.

Now that in itself is not a problem. Nell is a trained dog, one qualification short of her first Obedience title and Teak will come when I give the "Get your furry butts back here" whistle. The problem was that as we walked, there became a rather pungent odour floating on the breeze. Being that its spring, I figured that someone had been a little too liberal with the Dynamic Lifter, an organic chook poo based fertilizer. Its just that the further we walked, the worse the smell became.

Eventually it was even too much for me, old Iron Guts. So, we left.......except the smell followed us. Hey, I figured it was because the breeze was blowing behind us. We leashed the dogs up and turned into a road that created a wind barrier.........and the smell got worse.

That was when Caitie started darting glances at the dogs and wrinkling her nose. It dawned on me that perhaps it wasn't fertilizer. I'm really not known for my lightning fast observations and stupidity seems to come natural to me, so I bent down and smelt Nell....and almost passed out. Yup, she had found some dead thing to roll in, so rotten that it had imbibed her with a wonderful perfume. SHE thought she smelt fantastic. I could tell by the saucy sway of the little minx's hips!

As luck would have it, I remembered to bring my mobile phone with me and called ahead so that husband could run a bath prior to us getting home. He was laughing when I walked in the house but soon started gagging when the stench assaulted his nostrils.

Having myself and two panting, hot, steamy, stinky dogs in a bathroom is no picnic....and to top it off, Nellie got the muck on her new Pretty In Pink collar....not happy Jan!


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