Saturday, September 6, 2008

On a happier note...

The weather is still glorious, the kids are still feral, the husband is still um...there and I'm still going quietly crazy.

A. went to the dentist on Tuesday to get his seperator bands put in so that it will make room for his dental spacer. Fang (hehe)has a pretty impressive crossbite which will be improved by this outlandishly medieval looking device. It gently (?) pushes the still developing top jaw apart by the application of a screw turning thingo. I can see me losing a finger or two to that boy! Well, the bands lasted until Thursday where we discovered he had lost one. Turns out he probably ate it but that was ok since that means those teeth are already seperated. Go figure!

We attended Smallish Bear's disco last night, complete with smoke machine and bubble blower. Much fun, especially doing the Hokey Pokey where "you put your daddy in, you put your daddy out, your put your daddy in and you shake him all about". It was in celebration of Fathers day tomorrow and raised funds for research into Prostate Cancer, a very worthy cause.

We followed this up with C and A's disco. Dropped two off, took one home. Smallish Bear was whingeing that he couldn't go to older siblings dance, suddenly stopped and said, "I'm gonna stop 'plaining now cause next year I can go to MY big school dance too!" Two seconds later, "See, I've stopped whining now." LOL, gotta love a kid who self corrects himself.

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